FROM WENCE THEY CAME They came out of despair They came to escape violence They came from extreme poverty Seeking a better life For their children Now jailed As hostages In a game of hate Go home and die. JOB DESCRIPTION When he swallowed the last of his pride It went down hard And lumpy Like coal But he got the job And now all he has to do Is kiss a lot of ass Tell a lot of lies And bear witness to the last of an empire THE BIG FAIL They march to his drum beat
Politicians Goose-stepping away the last of their dignity And integrity Bidding a fond adieu to democracy Which was pretty much shit anyway Look what it gave us Wannabe a strongman? Wannabe an autocrat? Wanna get rid of the people of color? And the free press? And dissent? And morality? Now that democracy has failed What grand experiment shall we try next?
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David Myles RobinsonAs will become readily apparent, my blogs will not just be about my books or even writing in general. They will be about whatever suits my fancy--and yes, I'm sorry, but that may include politics from time to time. We live in an interestingly tempestuous time and as a writer I find it impossible to ignore the worldwide psycho-drama (and, at times, psycho-comedy) being played out before us on a virtual daily basis. Archives
May 2021